
Archive for: January, 2021

Nose / Throat

This One Thing is Making Your Allergies Worse

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. Sanjeev Balamohan, M.D. Allergies can be stressful. They can cause an annoying running nose, itchy or irritated eyes, coughing, difficulty breathing, etc. But did you know stress can actually make your allergy symptoms worse? Now ask yourself which came first, the allergies or the stress? Unlike...

Ear / Nose / Throat

Test Your Ear, Nose, and Throat Knowledge With These Fun Facts

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. David Tojo, M.D. Your ear, nose, and throat are complex, sensitive organs. How many of the following facts did you already know? Did you know…. The tiniest bones in your body are in your ear. The incus, malleus, and stapes (otherwise known as hammer, anvil, and...


Laryngitis vs. Hoarseness

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. Sanjeev Balamohan, M.D. What is Laryngitis? Laryngitis refers to a temporary inflammation of the vocal cords and surrounding tissue, resulting in loss of voice or hoarseness, and frequent throat clearing. Cases can progress to chronic laryngitis, where permanent damage to the vocal cords may result. Causes...


What To Do If You Have Trouble Swallowing

By: Kelly Warf, Au.D. Sanjeev Balamohan, M.D. Difficulty swallowing, also known as dysphagia, can impair an individual’s normal daily functioning of eating solid foods, drinking liquids, and swallowing saliva the body produces. Dysphagia can be felt as a lump in the throat, coughing when swallowing, or pain when swallowing. When...


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